a meeting to celebrate the 65th birthday of Professor Tom Mullin
10th–11th September, 2015
Invited speakers for the meeting include:
- Prof. Christophe Clanet (PMMH, ESPCI and LadHyX, École Polytechnique, Paris, France)
- Prof. Eric Clément (PMMH, ESPCI, Paris, France)
- Prof. Mike Gaster FRS (City University, UK)
- Prof. Ray Goldstein FRS (DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK)
- Prof. John Hogan (Department of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK)
- Prof. Rich Kerswell FRS (School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK))
- Prof. Dr. Gerd Pfister (IEAP, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel)
- Prof. Olivier Pouliquen (IUSTI, Université Aix-Marseille, France)
- Prof. Pedro Reis (MIT)
- Prof. David Schaeffer (Department of Mathematics, Duke University, North Carolina, USA)
- Dr. Simon Tavener (Department of Mathematics, Colorado State University, USA)
- Prof. Laurette Tuckerman (ESPCI, Paris, France)
- Prof. Fabian Waleffe (Departments of Mathematics and Engineering Physics, University of Madison-Wisconsin, USA)
- Prof. Wendy Zhang (Department of Physics, James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, USA)