8th Oct
Graphene: magic in two dimensions
Dr Kostya Novoselov (Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
15th Oct
Multiscale simulation of macromolecules: static and dynamic properties from equilibrium and non-equilibrium simulations
Dr Paola Carbone (Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
22nd Oct
Molecular interactions with titania surfaces
Dr Andrew Thomas (Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
29th Oct
Bubble transitions in flexible and rigid tubes
Dr Anne Juel (Mathematics, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
5th Nov
Capillary-gravity waves in oscillatory shear flows
Shreyas Jalikop (Mathematics, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
12th Nov
The viscoelasticity and dynamics of glycoprotein networks
Dr Tom Waigh (Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
19th Nov
The motion of a near-buoyant sphere in a Stokes flow near a wall
Caren Otto (Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
26th Nov
Different numerical techniques applied to fluid dynamics problems
Dr Enrique Sanmiguel (Industrial Engineering School, University of Malaga, Spain)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
3rd Dec
Dr Sarabjot Kaur (Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
10th Dec
Prof Kartik Venkatraman (Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
Further information
Refreshments will be provided in the basement social area of the Schuster
Lab. from 3.30pm. If you have any suggestions for future speakers, please contact
Dr Paul Brimicombe.