10th Oct
Turbulence in superfluid helium in zero-temperature limit
Dr. Andrei Golov (Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
24th Oct
Models for airway reopening: the steady propagation of bubbles into flexible tubes and channels
Dr. Andrew Hazel (Mathematics, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
31st Oct
Leading-edge and inlet eigenmodes in high Reynolds number flows: to suppress or not to suppress?
Prof. Peter Duck (Mathematics, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
7th Nov
Swirling flows in a sudden expansion
Dr. Carlos del Pino (MFM, University of Malaga)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
14th Nov
Understanding food webs through physical insight
Dr. Craig Powell (Physics and Gastronomy, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
21st Nov
From individual to collective behaviour, the movement of micro-organisms in fluids
Dr. Rachel Bearon (Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool)
Time 2pm - Venue Frank Adams Room 1, Alan Turing
28th Nov
Structural studies of bent-core liquid crystals by polarisation-analysed resonant scattering of x-rays
Prof. Philippe Barois (Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, University of Bordeaux)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
5th Dec
Modelling of particle size segregation and its application to geophysical problems
Dr. Anthony Thornton (Mathematics, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
12th Dec
Order parameter studies of nematic liquid crystals using Raman scattering
Chris Southern (Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester)
Time 4pm - Venue Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory
Further information
For further information please contact the Dr. James Seddon.